
I Inspire

Due to current events my blog for today has taken a different but unique twist.  Today on campus students and faculty were informed that a man was in the library with a gun.  Being that my only other lock down was in high school because of a hungry bear, this came as a big deal to me.  And unfortunately I don't exactly agree with how CSUN handled the "campus still open, library closed...but we don't know where the suspect is" situation.  Anyways, it felt like the majority of people weren't taking the situation seriously and the teachers went along like it was any ordinary Tuesday.  I, along with a good friend of mine, were a little freaked out and wanted to leave campus and go home.  To a place where we felt was safer since the school wasn't on locked down and not all teachers were taking the "alert" very seriously.  Unfortunately, I was unable to follow my instincts and leave class due to a project being due and a presentation needing to be made.  But my friend after having received some flak from her teacher decided that it was safest if she left campus.  She was sitting next to an open door that her teacher didn't necessarily see the need to close and lock and she didn't feel safe.  So unlike myself, she follow her instincts and left.  I know this is a long way of saying that following the masses isn't always the best idea.  Sometimes its best if we stand out, be a leader instead of a follower.  In this instance no one got hurt thank God, but what if someone had?  Does it really take a situation to reach its worst for people to follow their gut?  I don't want to be one of those persons who waits for everyone else, who follows the crowd and believes it's ok to be a follower.  I want to inspire, not only others but more importantly myself.  I was inspired by my friends guts and leadership to go against her fellow students, peers and even her teacher in an effort to listen to her instincts.  If you can't inspire yourself, if you can't follow what your heart is telling you, then how do you expect others to?

1 comment:

  1. the suspect can't even spell violation correctly. haha. i've never seen those pictures except of the one with the suspect from the email. I didn't know what the scene of the arbor grill and the library til I saw these.
